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  • SELF-MONITORING: HHC staff are expected to self-monitor and immediately report acute respiratory symptoms or positive testing.  

    • Acute respiratory symptoms include fever of 103° or higher, or new, severe & persistent: congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, body aches and/or fatigue.

  • Hands-on staff who test positive for a respiratory infection or exhibit acute respiratory symptoms must refrain from returning to patient care duties until they have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours without the use of medication.​​

  • CLICK HERE to report an illness, absence and/or patient coverage need.

  • POLICY:  7B.28 Respiratory Viruses & Vaccination


Q: Do I have to get vaccinated?

A: No. Helms Home Care strongly recommends and believes in the efficacy of vaccination. We feel strongly that our nurses being vaccinated is in the best interest of our staff and our patients, however there is currently no vaccine requirement to work at HHC.


Q: Can patients ask me if I am vaccinated?

A: You have no obligation to answer any personal or polarizing question posed to you by a patient. Whether they ask who you voted for, what you believe in, or whether you are vaccinated or not, your best response is to decline to answer. Below are examples of a generic response and specific response to politely and professionally decline these questions. You are in the home to provide care, not to have a debate.


"I'm really not supposed to discuss anything that could be considered a polarizing topic. Even if we might have the same views and agree with each other, I don't want to get in trouble with my job so it's probably best not to have this discussion.


"I'm not allowed to share my personal health information with you, but if you have concerns about the nurses that are coming to your home, you can call the agency and request vaccinated nurses only."


Q: What happens if I'm not vaccinated?

A: You will be restricted from providing care to patients of select pharmacies that have implemented a vaccine requirement. These restrictions will be communicated when the referral is sent out, and / or on a one-by-one basis when a pharmacy opts to implement a requirement. Only vaccinated RNs should offer coverage / availability for referrals with a vaccine requirement.


Q: Who will know if I am vaccinated or not?

A: HHC respects your privacy. Your PHI is securely stored in your private employee medical record. Your vaccination record is only shared with a pharmacy vendor when you have provided care to their patient, and they require and / or request proof of your vaccination.


Q: What is the required PPE for a patient with an active respiratory infection?

A: Respiratory infections are contagious while the individual is exhibiting symptoms and can remain contractable for approximately 48 hours after symptoms subside, so PPE (KN95 mask and goggles recommended, or mask minimally) should be worn until the patient is 48+ hours symptom free.


Q: When can I start seeing patient again after having a respiratory virus or acute respiratory symptoms?

A: You must be symptom-free for a minimum of 48 hours, without the use of medication, prior to resuming patient care. 




© 2018-2023 by Helms Home Care


300 N NC 16 Business Hwy

Denver NC 28037

704-802-9625 (P)

888-502-5390 (F)





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